Residential healing programmes for survivors of childhood trauma and abuse

Everyone has the right to heal

2025 Dates

Heal For Life

Sunday 27th July - Friday 1st Aug

Sunday 14th Sept - Friday 19th Sept

If you would like to log your interest in future programmes please complete the 'on-line' registration form

by clicking on the button below:

Register Online

Alternatively, print off the form and mail it to us, by clicking a link below:

Registration Form - Microsoft Word.
Registration Form - Adobe PDF

Mailing address: Heal For Life, Administrative Office, Cumberland Court, Church Street, Wye, Kent,TN25 5BJ

Once we have accepted your registration we will ask for the £200 deposit which can be paid by credit transfer, the office will supply our bank details, or with a cheque made out to ‘Heal For Life UK’.